Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A little about Will, Nina and a herd of Chihuahuas...

Just to be consistent with the title, let's talk a little about Will. 
Here he is....

Ok, so he's not the most photogenic little guy.  He's modest, what can I say?
Will came to HH over a year ago.  He was emaciated, sick and severely neglected and abused.  Will could barely stand he was in such bad shape.  This soul found his will to live and found his name...Will.  Will is currently being taken care of in an amazing foster home who has diligently worked with him and been patient through a series of hardships and a few, well...dog bites.
Will is very scared and a "fear biter".  Will is still looking for his home.  He doesn't know who is going to take on a project like him, but we have faith that Will's person is out there.  Will knows that whoever adopts him is doing it not to adopt a perfect dog, but to save a precious soul like his.
And next.
Nina!  Here she is.  Now Nina is also a little camera shy, but boy this gal is beautiful!
When Nina came in to Hopes Haven, she was so fearful she literally shook with fear, cowering and hiding at the sight of a human.  With a dog like this, most people would think that there is little to no chance of them getting adopted. 
I am happy to report that Nina was just adopted this last Saturday!!!!  These are the adoptions that make it all worth it.  Marsha was definitely doing a happy dance with this adoption.  A dear woman(aka an angel!!!) saw something special in Nina.  She saw past her brokenness and gave Nina the chance of a lifetime!  Nina now lives on beautiful acreage and has another doggie friend that she loves to play with!  With patience and love, Nina is going to blossom! 
Thank you to the foster family for caring for her until her angel came to the rescue, you know who you are!
And lastly.
Let's talk about all of these Chihuahua's.  Sometimes when you go out to Hopes Haven you feel like you may get lost in the sea of all of those yellow Chihuahua's.  Just kidding, but I had to add some emphasis in there somewhere!  Seriously, we have a TON of Chihuahua's at HH.  There are a ton of Chi's in many of the shelters. 
Here is the most recent pictures of the Chi's out at HH.
And that is not all of them! 
Won't you consider a Chihuahua?  They can be the most enjoyable little dogs and they don't take up much room.  I remember when I adopted my Chihuahua, Papi.  He has become the funniest, sweetest, sleep under the covers little guy!  We just love him.  They may not be the most popular breed, but that is all the more reason to adopt them.  They deserve a home just like all the rest that they get passed up for EVERY DAY.  Perhaps you know someone who is looking for a companion?  Chi's are one of the best lap dogs around!
Well, that covers it.  Will, Nina and a herd of Chihuahuas....
Please share and thank you for reading!
Until next time,

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