Thursday, June 20, 2013

That little one they call Sweetums.

MEET, Sweetums!

When this dear little girl came to Hopes Haven, she was delivered by S.T.A.R.T.  If you haven't heard of them, you are missing out!  They do AMAZING things.  Check it out HERE.

When Sweetums arrived in her foster home, she was scared, insecure and depressed.  This picture kinda sums it up....

Slowly, but surely Sweetums started to open up.  The name came about when the foster family decided that she was the most precious, sweetest Chihuahua there ever was...thus the name SWEETUMS. 
Before the foster family knew it, this little gal started accepting pets, love, hugs and kisses gladly.  Soon, Sweetums couldn't get enough and would nudge their hands over and over just waiting for that kind human touch she had obviously never received much of.  Sweetums' tail started wagging now and again and she even started showing a desire to interact some with the other dogs she is living with. 
Now Sweetums is a complete love.  She CRAVES human touch, affection and just wants to be held and babied all the time!
Sweetums has even ventured out onto the deck to sun herself and has been spotted barking at the cow!
Sweetums' estimated age is between 5-7 years.  Sweetums is good with kids and other dogs.  She is an amazing little girl that would love nothing more than to be someone's little baby.  She loves a lap and warm arms more than anything and still needs assurance from her human.  Sweetums may always be a little unsure of herself, but one thing she is sure of is that she never wants to be unloved AGAIN!
Until next time,

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride...

Adopting or fostering a dog can many times be described as a roller coaster.  If you are one of the rare ones, you will describe your experience as perfect and blissful.  For the rest of us, we ride a roller coaster of love that we call RESCUE!

It's that moment when you bring your dog home and realize that your entire household, whether animal or human are in upheaval with the arrival of a new pack member.  What you knew before is no longer and the present is nothing less than a challenge to be met!  Your new dog is like a fish out of water, while you are trying to envision yourself as the pack leader...all the while floundering just as much!!!  Sometimes the dogs fight, or they poop on the floor mercilessly and you can't figure out why!  Or what about the dog that decides to act perfectly at the rescue, but wreaks havoc the instant they enter your property!?

Sometimes the transition goes smooth and at other times it is anything BUT!  Then you realize you're only human and they are only...well...dogs!  Once we realize our position, we begin to see that it's not meant to be easy.  With everyone and everything, there is a transition period.  Rescue dogs are a special kind.  They are especially special, but can at times be especially challenging.  It is during those times that we must realize that there is also a time for hard work, dedication, training, failure and success when it comes to dogs.  There will be fights, poops on the floor and a Barbie may lose their arm.

(and yes, this is an actual picture taken from my house!!!)

We don't always make the right decision and our dogs don't always behave the way we want.  But when we are trying our best, we can make amazing things happen when we have a good dog by our side.  It's not always going to be easy and honestly...most the time that is NOT the case.  However, we all see the value in the life of a dog and how WE or THEY can change a life in US or in THEM.  Every person and dog is a gift.  When helping one another to the best of our ability, we can never be considered a failure.

Sometimes it works and at other times it does not.  When we all do our best, that is when AMAZING things happen!  Let's all continue this RESCUE thing, because that folks is what changes our lives and theirs!

Thank you all for being part of this rescue, whether it be to support, donate, volunteer, adopt or foster.  No matter what part you play, it is all valuable in the eyes of a hopeful dog!

And you will most likely end up feeling like this...


Until next time,


Sunday, June 2, 2013

HOPES HAVEN ~ the know how

What exactly is Hopes Haven?  Well, it's located in rural W Salem on beautiful acreage, owned and operated by the one and only Marsha Chambers.  Can I just say this...Marsha is amazing.  I can say that because she has no idea I'm writing this, but I will probably be in trouble once I hit publish.  Marsha started Hopes Haven after a devastating case of dog abuse that sent her life into a tailspin of action to help dogs.  Marsha has a heart as big as Texas.  I don't know if it's comprehendible to the lay person how many dogs come in and out of the small operation called Hopes Haven.  With that said, let me say this...IT'S CRAZINESS!  Pure. Craziness.  How else would it be when you are running around frantically trying to save the lives of dogs that don't have a chance anywhere else?  Here is the woman that makes it all possible...MARSHA!

Hopes Haven is run by a handful of volunteers, all of which have families, lives and jobs.  Hopes Haven takes in dogs from owners, shelters, the street, you name it!  There are dogs coming and going all the time and half the time one volunteer doesn't know what the other is doing.  We try so hard for these dogs and so many times it's a success!  Marsha watches so many dogs being handed off to homes that are amazing beyond anything we could have dreamed up in our heads.  Every day is like a whirlwind, yet an amazing one where you wake up the next morning and think...what dog's life is going to be changed today?  But yet you know your own life will change when you see the heartache and abuse of a dog turn in to love and joy when that dog is adopted by someone that truly sees their value.

There is a point to all of this and here it is.  We try so hard EVERY day to do the best work we can to help as many dogs as possible.  Sometimes we fail.  Sometimes we don't call back or we don't answer an email because we forget.  We don't mean to.  We are trying as best we can and we want to help you find YOUR dog.  We receive a ton of applications for which we are so THANKFUL.  We can't get through them all and many times we can't contact everyone.  I wish we could, but we unfortunately don't have the manpower's the best we can do.

Sigh.  This is how the volunteers feel during those moments when we realize we have failed someone.

Thank you for all of our adopters and foster families.  You makes Hopes Haven possible.  Without you, it would all be nothing.  There are no words to express the gratitude we feel when that perfect match comes along for a dog that you think would never be adopted.  Or when a foster steps forward, just when you need them!  As Marsha says "there is a lid for every pot".  Here are some examples of our lids and pots!

Thank you all for your understanding and patience with us!  Hopes Haven and the volunteers involved try so hard for the dogs and their potential owners and fosters.  We love you!  Now I will leave you with a few pictures of Hopes Haven!  Take care everyone!

Until next time,

Katie(one of those volunteers ;))